. Dry January: 5 Steps to Survive It : Dirty Pelican Cocktails Blog
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Dry January: 5 Steps to Thrive Through It

Studies show that the benefits of Dry January, or sustaining from alcohol consumption, even for a brief break, last longer than just the duration of a one-month-long sobriety challenge. Better skin, better mood, weight loss, and more energy. 

Here at Dirty Pelican, we will do our best to guide you through Dry January. In this article, we will look at five tips to help you thrive this month and how to include Dirty Pelican Organic Cocktails in your survival kit for simple easy non-alcoholic options that will have you feeling like you’re drinking a real cocktail. 

What is Dry January?

The apparent explanation for Dry January is that it started as a trend to help combat the previous two months of excessive holiday season drinking and eating. New Year, New Us! We join gyms, start dieting and want to better ourselves. Dry January is an excellent place to start.

The Health Benefits of Dry January

As we said earlier, we all know the effects of alcohol abuse on the body and mood. Besides the obvious, like no hangovers, drinking zero alcohol can lower blood pressure, relieve stress on the liver, and help improve your sleep hygiene.

Let's take a look a deeper look at these benefits:

You'll sleep better and have more energy.

'When you were young’ is not just a catchy Killers song it's also something your body tells you after a night (or weekend) of binge drinking: you could do this when you were young. Now? Not so much.

Now drinking causes you to feel terrible or foggy for days, even after the hangover is over. That's because excessive alcohol actually impacts our sleep state.

Skipping the booze for a month can help reset your body's natural sleep clock and allow you to wake up feeling more energized!

Your Skin Will Glow

Alcohol causes you to use the bathroom. A lot. Excessive urination causes dehydration, which in turn can cause your skin to dry out. Consuming alcohol can also cause hormonal imbalances and spike blood sugar levels in the brain, significantly raising the likelihood of breakouts. Plus, you're sleeping better, as stated earlier. Good rest, plus less dehydration, equals great, glowing skin.

You'll save money

What better way to start the new year than being richer? If you're going out every weekend, hitting the brunch every Sunday, or having a few drinks at dinner with friends, you know that the twenty to thirty dollars you're spending adds up. Drinks are expensive these days.

Saving money may not be on the list of immediate health benefits of less alcohol intake, but in today's economy, a healthy budget can greatly affect your mental health in a positive way.

Lose Weight

If you're someone who drinks more than once a week, your alcohol consumption could be negatively impacting your weight loss goals. Not only are the calories from alcoholic drinks not beneficial for fueling your body as real meals do, but studies show that people consume even less wholesome food when they drink heavily. Remember all those late-night pizzas after a night out drinking?

Therefore if you've been struggling to shed those extra pounds and want to see results quickly, one of the first steps is reducing or eliminating alcohol intake.

Losing weight also ties in nicely with the reason you're partaking in Dry January -- to start the new year with a new attitude and health goals.

Your Mood Will Improve

Drinking alcohol, regardless if you're a "happy drunk," causes negative effects on your mood and temperament. You may be the life of the party or having a great conversation with a date, but by the morning, binge drinking causes your mood and thought process to be cloudy and slow. Taking a break from drinking gives your body time to recover and reset and can lower your blood pressure, allowing you to be more level headed, relaxed, and have better mental clarity.

Now that you understand the health benefits let's talk about how to accomplish a successful Dry January.

5 Steps To Thrive This Dry January

If you or someone you know has a birthday in January, are celebrating a life achievement, or are young in a fun, lively city, you know that sustaining from alcohol for a whole month is easier said than done.

Plan How To Say No

Your friend's birthday falls in January, and she just invited you to her birthday party... at a nightclub or lounge. We've all been there. Taking a plan of action before you start Dry January can help you cope with awkward situations. Knowing how to say no so others won't get offended is crucial. It's not you, it's me, and I'm trying to start my year by completing Dry January is a good way to start. Most people will respect your decisions and support you. And if they don't... Well, that's an article for another day.

Make goals

Even though healthier drinking habits should be a lifetime goal, short term wins are a great start. Such as setting a date to catch up with friends or marking the calendar for Superbowl Sunday in February as your next drinking date, can help you look forward to special occasions. 

Rethink Happy Hour & Other Drinking Occasions

Meeting up for happy hour may be a tradition in your office that can determine your social standing at work. It's especially important when it's a chance to unwind with supervisors and bosses. Instead of spending happy hour drinking, break free from routine, and come up with imaginative ideas to socialize. You can try a new meal or practice your pool game. If it's work friends, treat it like a meeting --would you drink at work?

Have fun!

It says a lot about our society if we can't have a good time without alcohol. We drink at sporting events, concerts, family reunions, and dinner parties. Dry January should not be torturous, you should be able to still enjoy your life.

Use it as an opportunity to explore activities you've been curious about but didn't have the time or money. For example, try a new cooking class, explore a new city, or take on a new sport.

Sub Your Alcoholic Drinks

Those drinking habits need a replacement. Water can be a good option, but it's boring, even when infused with fruits. Many non-drinkers drink soda or iced tea. And plenty of great non-alcoholic beers are served at bars, so you don't miss out on that familiar bar drinking experience when watching the NFL playoffs.

Of course, there's also a wide range of mocktails. We live in the golden era of non-alcoholic drinks. Our luxury cocktail mixers are perfect for creating beautiful mocktails, so you're experiencing a drink like it’s favorite cocktail.

How Dirty Pelican Organic Cocktail Mixers Can Help

We pride ourselves in using the finest USDA organic ingredients to create our Michelin-quality cocktail mixers. They're so good that alcohol isn't a necessity, it's an option. Our cocktail mixers are designed to be enjoyed by everyone, so you can enjoy a fancy drink with your friends without having to worry about the negative effects of alcohol. Just mix 3-4oz of Dirty Pelican, with some ice, pour into a fancy cocktail class, add a garnish and voula, you have a mocktail worthy of a spirit and a hefty price tag. 

Dry January can be challenging, but you can succeed with the right mindset and proper tools (like Dirty Pelican Organic Mocktails)!

Here's a recipe to kickstart your journey.

Dry January Mocktail Recipe - Ready to Drink (just add ice)

Select any one of our three specialty flavors:

  • Jalapeno Margarita
  • Blackberry Zest
  • Pineapple Fig (great winter flavor)


  • Mix 3-4 ounces of Dirty Pelican Organic Mocktail
  • 1 and 1/2 ounce club soda or sparkling water (optional for a little fizz) 
  • Then garnish of your choice


  1. Shake
  2. Pour/Stir

It's really that simple. Enjoy!

Dry January might be daunting initially, but don't let fear stop you! Having a clear goal in mind will help you stay on track and have supportive friends who understand your mission. And above all else, have fun with it!

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